Lawn Mower Maintenance:
The Key to a Healthy Lawn and Happy Mower

In the world of lush lawns and beautifully manicured landscapes, there's an unsung hero that often goes unnoticed—the trusty lawn mower. Whether you're a homeowner with a picturesque garden or a savvy lawn-care business owner, you understand that a well-maintained mower is the cornerstone of a vibrant, healthy lawn.

At SteveCo Power, we recognize the pivotal role that lawnmowers play in maintaining outdoor perfection. You should be allowed to be pleased with your lawn all the time! 

But unfortunately, when your mower quits working, that isn’t possible. That’s why we're here to emphasize a fundamental truth: lawn mower maintenance is far more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of neglect. 

In this article, we'll dive into the vital realm of lawn mower maintenance, exploring common issues, the power of regular tune-ups, and the dire consequences of neglect. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to keep your mowers in peak condition, ensuring a flawless cut every time. 

Welcome to a world where your lawn's beauty is matched only by the efficiency of your trusted mower.

Table of Contents

  • Common Lawn Mower Issues

  • How to Avoid Lawn Mower Issues (Tune-Ups)

  • The Consequences of Neglecting Maintenance

  • Lawn Mower Maintenance Checklist

  • Conclusion

Common Lawn Mower Issues

A well-maintained lawn mower is the unsung hero of a beautifully manicured lawn. Yet, even the most reliable mowers can encounter hiccups along the way. Understanding and addressing these common lawn mower issues can save you from unnecessary headaches and expenses down the line. 

In this section, we'll explore the typical problems lawn mower owners face, shedding light on engine starting issues, poor cutting performance, excessive noise or vibration, and those alarming puffs of smoke or unusual exhaust. Let's dive in.

1. Engine Starting Issues

Picture this: it's a sunny Saturday morning, and you're all geared up to give your lawn a makeover. You pull the starter cord or turn the ignition key, and... nothing. Engine starting problems are among the most frustrating issues a mower owner can encounter. It could be a stubborn engine that refuses to roar to life, or it may sputter and stall repeatedly.

What could be the culprits?

  • Stale Fuel: Fuel left sitting in your mower over the winter months can cause starting problems. Consider draining old fuel and replacing it with fresh, clean gasoline.
  • Dirty Air Filter: A clogged air filter restricts airflow, making it difficult for the engine to breathe. Regularly inspect and replace the air filter as needed.
  • Spark Plug Issues: A fouled or worn-out spark plug can prevent proper ignition. Check and replace spark plugs at the manufacturer's recommended intervals.

Of course, this is just a start. If you can’t fix your mower with one of these easy fixes, you’ll have to visit an outdoor equipment repair shop. Either way, addressing engine starting problems promptly not only saves you from the frustration of a stalled start but also prevents further damage to your mower's engine.


2. Poor Cutting Performance

A patchy, uneven lawn after mowing is enough to make any lawn enthusiast cringe. Poor cutting performance is a common headache for mower owners, and it can stem from various sources.

What could be the culprits?

  • Dull Blades: Blades that have seen better days can tear the grass instead of cleanly cutting it. Sharpen or replace your mower blades regularly for a cleaner cut.
  • Uneven Deck: An improperly leveled mower deck can lead to uneven grass cutting. Consult your owner's manual to adjust the deck height correctly.
  • Clogged Deck: Accumulated grass clippings and debris can clog the mower deck, hindering proper cutting. Clean the deck thoroughly after each use.

Remember, a well-maintained mower with sharp blades not only gives you a manicured lawn but also promotes grass health by preventing ragged cuts that invite disease.

3. Excessive Noise or Vibration

Is your peaceful mowing session interrupted by unsettling noise and vibrations? Excessive noise or vibration can be more than just a nuisance; they can indicate underlying issues that need attention.

What could be the culprits?

  • Loose or Damaged Blade: A loose or damaged mower blade can cause excessive vibration and noise. Inspect and tighten or replace blades as needed.
  • Engine Problems: Engine-related issues, such as loose parts or damaged components, can result in noise and vibration. Regular maintenance can prevent these problems from escalating.

Ignoring excessive noise and vibration can lead to more severe damage to your mower and affect the overall quality of your lawn.


Smoke or Unusual Exhaust

Seeing smoke or unusual exhaust coming from your mower can be alarming. It's a sign that something isn't quite right under the hood.

What could be the culprits?

  • Overfilled Oil: An overfilled oil reservoir can cause smoke and unusual exhaust. Check and maintain the oil level according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Oil Contamination: Oil that has become contaminated with fuel or debris can also produce smoke. Regular oil changes are crucial to prevent this issue.
  • Air Filter Problems: A clogged air filter can also affect the air-fuel mixture, leading to smoke. Regularly inspect and replace the air filter.

Addressing these issues promptly is essential not only for your mower's performance but also for your safety and environmental responsibility.

Neglecting these common lawn mower issues can have costly consequences. In addition to the inconvenience of stalled starts, uneven cuts, unsettling noise, and alarming exhaust, the price tag of repair or replacement can be substantial. Routine maintenance may seem like a small effort, but it's an investment in the longevity of your mower and the quality of your lawn. 

Next, we'll dive into the art of preventive maintenance and how it can save you time, money, and a whole lot of hassle. Your lawn and your wallet will thank you.

How to Avoid Lawn Mower Issues (Tune-Ups)

Now that you're familiar with the common lawn mower issues that can plague their owners, let's delve into the preventative magic of lawn mower tune-ups. 

If you feel a little overwhelmed, don't worry. We'll demystify the process, breaking down what a lawn mower tune-up entails, and unveil the array of benefits that regular maintenance brings to your trusted mower.

1. What a Lawn Mower Tune-Up Entails

A lawn mower tune-up is akin to a spa day for your mower, rejuvenating it for peak performance. The essential elements of a thorough tune-up include:

  1. Inspection of Key Components:
  • A meticulous examination of crucial parts such as the engine, spark plug, air filter, and fuel system.
  • Identifying signs of wear and tear, damage, or loose connections.
  • Assessing the mower deck and blades for proper alignment and condition.
  1. Cleaning and Lubrication:
  • Removing dirt, grass clippings, and debris from various parts of the mower.
  • Lubricating moving components like cables, belts, and pulleys to reduce friction and wear.
  • Ensuring the mower is free from obstructions that hinder its operation.
  1. Replacing Worn Parts:
  • Identifying and replacing parts that show signs of wear or damage, such as spark plugs, air filters, belts, and blades.
  • Swapping out old oil with fresh, clean oil to keep the engine running smoothly.
  • Replacing any deteriorated belts, ensuring they maintain proper tension.
  1. Adjusting Settings:
  • Fine-tuning critical settings, including the throttle, governor, and carburetor, for optimal engine performance.
  • Verifying that safety features, such as the shut-off switch and brake, are in perfect working order.
  • Adjust the cutting height and mower deck to ensure an even, precise cut.
SteveCo employee working on an engine.

Benefits of Regular Tune-Ups

Now that we've dissected the elements of a lawn mower tune-up, let's explore the multitude of advantages this maintenance routine brings:

  1. Improved Performance and Efficiency:
  • A finely tuned mower starts reliably, runs smoothly, and delivers consistent power.
  • Precise adjustments optimize fuel combustion, resulting in cleaner exhaust and reduced emissions.
  • Your mower's cutting performance becomes more efficient, leaving your lawn with a pristine finish.
  1. Prolonged Mower Lifespan:
  • Regular tune-ups extend the life of your mower's engine and components.
  • Identifying and addressing issues early prevents them from escalating into costly problems.
  • Investing in maintenance now saves you from the expense of frequent repairs or premature replacement.
  1. Reduced Fuel Consumption:
  • A well-maintained mower operates more efficiently, consuming less fuel.
  • This not only saves you money at the gas pump but also reduces your carbon footprint.
  • Consistent fuel efficiency ensures your mower keeps its environmental impact to a minimum.
  1. Enhanced Safety:
  • A properly maintained mower is a safer mower.
  • Adjusted safety features, such as the shut-off switch and brake, provide peace of mind during operation.
  • Reduced vibration and noise levels make for a more comfortable and safe mowing experience.

In a world where prevention is often more cost-effective than addressing problems after they arise, regular lawn mower tune-ups emerge as the unsung heroes of lawn care. Whether you're a diligent homeowner with a passion for lush lawns or a lawn-care business owner seeking efficiency and reliability, embracing the art of maintenance is your path to a greener, more prosperous tomorrow.

In our next section, we'll look deeper into the consequences of neglecting mower maintenance, shedding light on the potential pitfalls that await those who choose to ignore the call of the tune-up. So, stay with us on this journey toward a healthier, happier, and more vibrant lawn. Your mower—and your lawn—will greatly appreciate it.


The Consequences of Neglecting Maintenance

Neglecting lawn mower maintenance is like turning a blind eye to an impending storm. You might not see it coming, but when it hits, the consequences can be devastating. From costly repairs to health hazards and environmental concerns, the ramifications of neglecting your mower are far-reaching.

1. Potential Consequences of Neglecting Lawn Mower Maintenance

  1. Expensive Repairs:
  • When you disregard regular maintenance, minor issues can snowball into major, wallet-draining repairs.
  • A simple clogged air filter left unattended can lead to a costly engine overhaul.
  • Ignoring that strange noise or vibration might mean a complete engine replacement down the line.
  1. Reduced Mower Lifespan:
  • Mowers subjected to neglect tend to have significantly shorter lifespans.
  • The wear and tear accumulate faster when components aren't regularly inspected, cleaned, and lubricated.
  • Premature retirement of your mower means investing in a new one sooner than anticipated.
  1. Health Hazards (Due to Emissions):
  • Neglected mowers often emit higher levels of harmful emissions, including carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons.
  • Prolonged exposure to these emissions can pose health risks for both operators and those nearby.
  • Breathing in toxic fumes while mowing not only jeopardizes your well-being but also the well-being of your family, neighbors, and the environment.
  1. Environmental Impact (Excessive Fuel Consumption):
  • Neglected mowers are often less fuel-efficient, guzzling more gas than their well-maintained counterparts.
  • Increased fuel consumption means higher greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to environmental pollution.
  • Conserving fuel not only benefits your wallet but also reduces your ecological footprint.
EGO Photo

2. Real-Life Statistics

To drive home the importance of lawn mower maintenance, let's take a moment to consider some eye-opening statistics:

Numbers That Drive It Home:

  • According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gas-powered lawnmowers can emit as much pollution in one hour as driving a recent-model car for over 1,100 miles.
  • Well-maintained mowers are up to 25% more fuel-efficient than neglected ones.

These examples and statistics underscore the tangible benefits of prioritizing lawn mower maintenance. From saving money to reducing your environmental footprint, the advantages are clear.

Neglecting lawn mower maintenance isn't just a matter of convenience; it's a costly gamble. From the burden of expensive repairs to the health risks posed by emissions and the environmental impact of excessive fuel consumption, the consequences of neglect are far-reaching. 

As we move forward, we'll explore practical ways to implement a lawn mower maintenance routine that ensures your mower's longevity, performance, and safety.

(Not sure which type of mower you want to invest in in the first place? Make sure to check out our other practical blogs):

Lawn Mower Maintenance Checklist

1 - Cleaning the Mower Deck:

  • Start by disconnecting the spark plug to ensure safety.
  • Remove grass clippings, dirt, and debris from the mower deck using a brush or scraper.
  • Rinse the deck with a garden hose, and dry it thoroughly to prevent corrosion.

2 - Changing the Oil:

  • Follow your mower's manual for oil type and replacement intervals.
  • Position an oil pan beneath the drain plug, and remove the plug to drain the old oil.
  • Replace the oil filter if applicable.
  • Refill with fresh, clean oil to the recommended level.

3 - Replacing Spark Plugs and Air Filters:

  • Inspect the spark plug and air filter for signs of wear, damage, or excessive dirt.
  • If needed, remove and replace the spark plug and air filter with new, compatible ones.
  • Consult your mower's manual for specifications.

4 - Sharpening or Replacing Blades:

  • Ensure the mower's spark plug is disconnected.
  • Remove the mower blade(s) and carefully inspect for damage or wear.
  • Sharpen the blade(s) with a file or replace them if necessary.
  • Reattach the blade(s) securely.

5 - Checking Fuel System and Lines:

  • Inspect the fuel tank for debris or contaminants and clean it if necessary.
  • Examine fuel lines and connections for leaks or damage.
  • Ensure the fuel cap is secure and functioning correctly.

6 - Inspecting Belts and Pulleys:

  • Check belts for signs of wear, cracks, or fraying.
  • Inspect pulleys for damage or misalignment.
  • Tighten or replace belts and adjust pulleys as needed.

7 - Testing Safety Features:

  • Ensure safety features, such as the shut-off switch and brake, are functioning correctly.
  • Test the mower's self-propel and blade engagement mechanisms for smooth operation.
  • Verify that the throttle and governor settings are adjusted to the manufacturer's specifications.
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Downloadable/Printable Version for Your Convenience

To make your life even easier, we're offering you a downloadable/printable version of this comprehensive lawn mower maintenance checklist. Whether you prefer a digital reference or a hard copy you can hang in your workshop, this checklist will be your go-to resource for ensuring your mower's longevity, performance, and safety.

With this checklist in hand (or on your screen), you'll have the confidence to tackle mower maintenance like a pro. Remember, a well-maintained mower not only guarantees a pristine lawn but also saves you time, money, and the hassle of dealing with unexpected breakdowns. Happy mowing, and here's to a flourishing lawn!


We've uncovered the critical importance of regular tune-ups, explored the dire consequences of neglect, and equipped you with a comprehensive maintenance checklist. Now, let's wrap it up.

In a nutshell, here's what you need to remember:

  • Regular lawn mower maintenance is the cornerstone of a lush, healthy lawn and a mower that stands the test of time.
  • Neglecting maintenance can lead to expensive repairs, a shorter mower lifespan, health hazards due to emissions, and an increased environmental impact.
  • Our comprehensive maintenance checklist provides you with the tools and knowledge to keep your mower in pristine condition.

Taking the Time Now Saves You Hundreds of Dollars in the Future!

The message couldn't be clearer: prevention is better than cure. Routine lawn mower tune-ups are the key to avoiding the hassle and expense of unexpected issues. Whether you're a dedicated homeowner or a lawn-care business owner, a well-maintained mower will serve you better, longer, and more efficiently.

Let Us Help You

At SteveCo Power, we're about empowering you with the knowledge, resources, and tools you need to succeed. We'd like to partner with you in lawn mower maintenance. Start your maintenance routine today, and let us guide you to a greener, more prosperous lawn.

We offer, 

Our expert team is ready to assist you in keeping your mower in top-notch condition.

If you have maintenance tips or success stories to share, we'd love to hear from you. Your experience can inspire and educate others.

Stay connected with us by signing up for our newsletter. You'll receive valuable insights, tips, and updates on lawn care, mower maintenance, and much more.

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Remember, a flourishing lawn begins with a well-maintained mower, and SteveCo Power is your partner on this journey. Here's to a future filled with perfectly manicured lawns, efficient mowers, and the satisfaction of a job well done. Until next time, happy mowing!

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